It is not a tedious process to reach the Maldives from Lakshadweep. If you are taking a flight from Lakshadweep to the Maldives, it is the most convenient mode of transportation. The average cost of flights from Lakshadweep to the Maldives is around Rs 65,000 for economy class. If you book the flights much in advance of your trip, there are chances to get flights for around Rs 50,000. There are flights that halt at Bangalore or Mumbai and then reach the Maldives. Some one-stop flights are also cheaper, but the only possible downside is the duration of the trip. The distance from Lakshadweep to the Maldives can be easily covered by taking a flight. Check out our Maldives tour packages.

  • Average Cost – Rs 50,000 
  • Duration – 7 hrs 19 min